Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How much does the French Revolution embody the ideals of the Enlightenment?

     The French Revolution does exercise the enlightenment ideals a lot as it is the first time in History that the enlightenment ideas are put in action. The biggest enlightenment ideal I saw within the french revolution was questioning the established order. As the third estate seizes power with the fall of King Louis the 16th they overcome the government recreating one of their own. They also achieved equality with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. By applying influence from the enlightenment ideas to solve their real-world problems it is definitely embodied in the French Revolution. It is also shown through orators such as Maximilien Robespierre as he gained influence from enlightenment thinkers and incorporated it into his debates and such. However, some people may disagree that the enlightenment was not embodied that much because of the results from the French Revolution. I think they are misleading as the enlightenment ideals are put into play its just that it happened to end badly.

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