Tuesday, May 21, 2013

To Arms

Category 1, #1 Why did Franz-Joseph say to President Roosevelt: “You see in me the last European monarch of the old school”?

     As Franz-Joseph was anti-revolution he strongly supported feudalism which makes sense when he says “You see in me the last European monarch of the old school”. He says this to President Roosevelt as he mentions is going to be the last European monarch of the old school meaning after he dies, there will be no more. Franz-Joseph admits that when he says last and he knows that because of the modern revolutionary and enlightenment ideals prevalent across Europe.

Category 2, Why was this considered a “Defensive War” by the major powers? How was that logic faulty?

     The war was considered defensive due to the alliances and terrorist movements from Serbia. Austia-Hungary felt the need to defend it's nation as the Austrian investigators were not allowed in the investigation of their own heir's assassination. Also with the alliances, Russia, Great Britain, etc. were brought into this war as they were obliged to protect their allies. This makes sense as many alliances did not actually want harm it was mostly solely for the defense protection for one of their allies.

Category 3, Why was the reaction against Serbians in Bosnia so violent? Was it justified?
     The reaction against Serbians in Bosnia were very violent because of the anger inflicted in the assassination of Franz-Joseph. Franz-Joseph was well looked upon in Austria-Hungary as their heir so they understandingly were provoked by his death. I would say it is justified as Serbia did not take action for the death which was caused by Serbian Terrorists which makes them accountable for the consequences. 

Category 4, How was Germany to blame for starting WWI?
     Germany in many ways was blamed for started WW1. As we learned from the simulation in class, Germany ends up taking the blame even if unfair because Serbia is done for. I would say that the alliances also caused the problems to leap to Germany although it was not their problem to start with. These are some of the ways Germany was blamed for starting WW1.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

In light of Gyu Eun's propaganda poster, how surprising is this WWI image of John Hines?

      In light of Gyu Eun's propaganda poster, the WW1 image is quite surprising as both sources showcase different aspects of the time period. First of all, Gyu Eun's propaganda poster shows the government and ideas whereas the WW1 image shows the environment and still life of World War 1. However, the negative atmosphere is a common trait shared between these two images. The WW1 image is surprising as it displays the lifestyle of a soldier although it is a featured photograph. This is surprising as I stated earlier, Gyu Eun's propaganda poster gives us a more direct depiction of ideas and government in relation to the people.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Propaganda Poster Individual Analysis

Jackie's Propaganda Poster
     This propaganda poster is representative of the causes of the 1848 revolutions throughout the symbols shown in it. First of all, the puppet is a very significant figure of this poster as it is the main focus as the subject & title: "Puppet of 1848". I believe that the puppet symbolizes Europe through the revolutions as it is being controlled by Socialism, Revolutionary Forces, and Taxation. Notice how the puppet is bound by these forces and is slumped, and unhappy. The scissors shown as "Liberty" on the right of the puppet symbolizes the key to untie the puppet from its weights. This is shown in a positive and heroic light. Overall, I think this poster was well represented in the idea of the causes behind the 1848 revolutions.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Propaganda Poster Collaborative Analysis


Based on this document, the propaganda poster shows us the Congress of Vienna bringing back feudalism causing the 1848 revolutions. The Congress of Vienna, being a reactionary force is against enlightenment ideals which promotes violence within Europe. In this poster Feudalism is depicted as a grave which has a protruding zombie hand suggesting that it is being brought back to life. The hand is shown to be dug out by a shovel labeled “The Congress of Vienna” implying that they dug Feudalism up. The common lady represents the people reacting frightened by the return of feudalism. This shows the main cause of the 1848 revolutions is the return of feudalism.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How much does the French Revolution embody the ideals of the Enlightenment?

     The French Revolution does exercise the enlightenment ideals a lot as it is the first time in History that the enlightenment ideas are put in action. The biggest enlightenment ideal I saw within the french revolution was questioning the established order. As the third estate seizes power with the fall of King Louis the 16th they overcome the government recreating one of their own. They also achieved equality with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. By applying influence from the enlightenment ideas to solve their real-world problems it is definitely embodied in the French Revolution. It is also shown through orators such as Maximilien Robespierre as he gained influence from enlightenment thinkers and incorporated it into his debates and such. However, some people may disagree that the enlightenment was not embodied that much because of the results from the French Revolution. I think they are misleading as the enlightenment ideals are put into play its just that it happened to end badly.